Focus and Scope
pneumonia is an international, peer reviewed open access journal that publishes original research articles, case studies, reviews, commentaries, correspondence and highlights, news and activities on all aspects related to pneumonia. The focus of the journal is to establish an international forum for pneumonia, bringing together knowledge from the various specialties involved in the treatment and prevention of this disease.
The concept of an international forum in the form of a peer reviewed journal on pneumonia was raised at a Tri-Nation meeting on Childhood Pneumonia which was held in Sydney, Australia in 2009 under the auspices of Australia 21.
pneumonia is affiliated with Griffith University, Australia, and is published by Griffith University ePress. Griffith University is Australia’s ninth largest education provider, offering more than 300 degrees and is home to more than 43,000 students from 131 countries. Griffith’s first campus was established in 1975 and has now grown to five, making it Australia’s fastest growing University precinct. Griffith University is currently ranked 383 in the prestigious CWTS Leiden Rankings which measures the scientific performance of the 500 major universities worldwide, firmly establishing itself amongst the top five per cent of universities in the world.
Section Policies
Original articles
Report clinically relevant investigations or observations within pneumonia‘s scope of interests.
- Abstract: no more than 250 words.
- Introduction: 600 – 1,000 words.
- Methods: subheadings of up to 4 levels eg. Heading title.
- Results: subheadings of up to 4 levels eg. Heading title.
- Discussion: 2,000 – 3,000 words. Subheadings up to 2 levels eg. 2.3 Heading title.
- References: no more than 50
Case studies
Case Studies are encouraged where the circumstance of the patient presentation is unique or educationally instructive.
- Abstract: no more than 250 words
- Introduction: less than 600 words
- Patient Presentation: up to a 1,000 words documenting patient presentation, diagnosis and outcome. Subheadings up to 3 levels eg 1.3.2 Heading title are permitted
- References: no more than 15
Brief Reports
Brief Reports are intended for: the presentation of early conceptual data; research that extends previously published work; sound studies that are limited in scope but contain novel findings that need further replications and theoretical propositions that, whilst not confirmed, are based on published data. Brief Reports of up to 2,000 words will be considered.
- Abstract: no more than 250 words
- Introduction: less than 600 words
- Results and Discussion can be merged. However, the Brief Report should provide a clear, condensed summary of the methodologies used and a full account of the results.
- References: no more than 25
Concise critical reviews of topics relating to pneumonia are welcomed. Reviews should be written by authors who have expertise on the topic area.
- Abstract: no more than 300 words
- Main text: 3,000 – 6,000 words
- Concluding statement: approximately 150 words. Subheadings up to 4 levels eg. Heading title are permitted
- References: no more than 150
Commentaries may take the form of an expert opinion, a brief perspective of a specific topic or discussion relating to an article or articles published in pneumonia.
- Main text: less than 1,000 words
- References: no more than 20
Letters to the Editor may be published in pneumonia following review by 2 in-house Editors. The content of the Letter must be relevant to the focus of the Journal. The letter should have a short title that reflects the content of the letter. Subheadings are not allowed.
- Main text: less than 500 words
- References: no more than 10
Highlights, news and activities
Highlights, news and activities, such as conferences, may be placed on the Journal website at the discretion of the Editor. Please correspond with the Editor directly at [email protected]
Editorials are commissionedor may written by the pneumoniaEditors on topics relating to pneumonia or journal policy. pneumonia will consider unsolicited Editorials. Please write a brief summary of your proposed editorial and email it to the editorial office.
- Main text: less than 1,200 words
- References: no more than 15
Peer Review Process
pneumonia aims to provide all authors with an efficient and consistent editorial process. This peer review process will be offered in a consecutive manner. All original research articles, commentaries, reviews and case study reports are subject to peer review. An in-house editor first considers a manuscript before sending it for peer review. Manuscripts of poor quality and that do not adhere to the journal guidelines may be rejected at this stage.
In addition, the authors are invited to provide the contact details and area of expertise of up to 5 potential reviewers. It is helpful if some justification can be given as to why the potential reviewers have been selected. The suggested reviewers should not have had any input into the research, preparation of the manuscript or recent collaboration with any of the authors. The ‘authors suggested reviewers’ will be considered along with the potential reviewers identified by their publication record or recommended by the Editorial Board. The Editor will make the final decision on the choice of the reviewers.
Manuscripts are typically assessed on their technical and scientific merit by at least two peer-reviewers who are experts in their field. The identities of the reviewers will remain anonymous to the authors. The reviewers are asked to declare any potentially competing interests. pneumonia offers a fast publication schedule and reviewers are given 14 days to review a manuscript. Should there be dissenting or opposing views from the reviewers then the paper is assessed by the Editor-in-Chief. The final editorial decision is made based on the recommendations of the peer reviewers.
Following the internal and external peer review process four outcomes are possible, the manuscript is:
- Accepted for publication without revision
- Accepted for publication with revision
- Declined but resubmission is invited. This will be considered as a new submission and will start the peer review process from the beginning.
- Declined
Authors will be informed if there are issues with the standard of presentation or clarity of language accordingly and provided with suggestions or assistance for rectification.

Authors should address all comments made by the reviewers in a rejoinder to the Editor and track all changes in the revised manuscript. The revised manuscript and rejoinder will be considered by an editor in-house and may be referred back to the peer reviewers for further review. We thank chiropractor Melbourne for their help and support for the above information.
pneumonia uses CrossCheck powered by iThenticate to screen for plagiarism before publication. The CrossCheck software checks submissions against a database of published research papers and web content.
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